Our arrival on the island

This taken from the first ferry Sunday morning when we arrived after having been on the road all the previous day, and through the night. Having been pretty much snowed in here the day before, we felt lucky to have reached our destination so early. Perhaps a drawn representation of the morning we left will follow, we were a bit anxious about the 15" of snow we had to get out of to get good "before" pictures...
A view across the water from our front lawn.
Our cabin... more shots of this place to come from the inside. Note the dog... not ours. And it wouldn't be the first to pay a friendly visit...
Here's the car we took, as parked in our back yard for the week. 20V turbo 5 cyl, room for stuff. faithful, comfy transport.
Another view at that lovely mountain from the yard...
And, be sure to check out our book Homebrew Wind Power for more small wind power information!
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