Our sister company Buckville Publications is happy to announce the republication of a classic steam power book from 1899, the Young Engineer's Guide by J.V. Rohan. It's a very fun book if you are interested in steam power, and if you tinker with steam, it could save your life! Written in very simple language, but still very technical, with quizzes at the end of each chapter. Lots of troubleshooting content, and what to do in an emergency. Here's the back cover content:
When you put enough BTUs into water, it flashes to steam, expanding to 1700 times its original volume. That's the raw power of nature. Steam was the start of the Industrial Revolution, and is still the main generator of most of the electricity we use on Earth today. Nuclear power, coal power, natural gas power, concentrated solar power, geothermal power—it all is converted into steam to run generators. And the technology dates back to about 1700. Steam engines also make a marvelous hobby for some folks who enjoy watching and trying to control this awesome force, with machinery from a bygone era. It's dangerous, and needs constant attention to detail and procedure, but the rewards are mechanical, electrical and visceral. This book lays down the line on how to safely operate and maintain a steam engine, how to troubleshoot and react instantly if things go wrong, and also to draw you back to the past where you might have a been a whistle punk, an engineer, or just a youngster trying to make a living at a logging camp, a farm, a ranch or a railroad.
An ENGINEER: • Should be sober. • Should be industrious. • Should be careful. • Should be faithful to his charge. • Should keep his engine and its surroundings neat and clean. • Should keep his engine running smoothly without knocks or pounds. • Should learn to let "well enough" alone, • Should never attempt experiments unless he knows what he is about. • Should have a place for everything and keep everything in its place. • Should show by the quietness in running and appearance of the engine in his charge that it is properly cared for. • Should constantly endeavor to expand his mind as to the management, construction and care of boilers, engines and their appliances. • Should carry this book in his pocket for reference as it contains much valuable information and in a time of need may save much time and expense, or even prevent a catastrophe.